Can I Get Rid of Jowls?

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Jowls, or sagging skin along the jawline and cheeks, are among the most frustrating signs of aging in the face. Due to declining production of collagen and increased skin laxity as patients get older, the face often loses support. When jowling begins to develop — which can occur as early as a patient’s thirties — it’s not uncommon for men and women to feel as if they no longer recognize themselves. Sagging facial skin is not medically harmful, but addressing jowls to restore a sleeker lower facial contour can help patients reclaim their confidence and look as vibrant and youthful as they feel. While a consultation is required to gain a better sense of your needs, potential treatments for jowling may include: 

As a board-certified plastic surgeon in Boston, Dr. Geoffrey Leber has an unmatched level of experience in cosmetic surgery. After his residencies in general and plastic surgery, Dr. Leber completed a highly competitive fellowship program in Beverly Hills under Dr. Richard Ellenbogen. This comprehensive training provides Dr. Leber with the skillset and knowledge necessary to make your desires a reality. 

Dr. Leber is well-versed in facial rejuvenation treatments that can improve the tone and texture of the skin, allowing you to reclaim a more youthful look. If you’re looking to reduce signs of facial aging, contact our Boston office for more information about our facial plastic surgery services or to book a consultation.